0448 865 124

Adult Curriculum

The training of beginners focuses on developing a strong technique (faat ), skill foundations (gung ), relaxation, strengthening and building of correct structure of the techniques and correct motion patterns (from the formless to form). The students first learns specific Gung Fu warming up exercises, basic techniques/drills (saan sik ) and their usage or application (saan sau ) as well as conditioning, strengthening and relaxation exercises (gungfu ). After correct mastery of the basic exercises he/she starts to learn the first empty handed set (kyun tou ), usage of the techniques in a sparring set (deui chaak ) and basic combat sequences and sparring drills (wui hap ).

The training of intermediate and advanced students concentrates especially on developing skill (gung ) aspects (“from the form to formless”), sparring sets (deui chaak ), combat sequences and sparring drills and weapon practice (separated techniques, sets, sparring sets, combat sequences and sparring drills and sparring). The emphasis is put on enriching the combat arsenal, combat tactics and strategy, and advance inner aspects of, namely the cultivation of “life energy” (heigung , qigong in mandarin Chinese).

The levels of development are listed below with their significant grading forms. This list does not include the hand and leg techniques and their applications specific for each level.

Adult curriculum 1

Beginner – No Sash
Greeting – Geng Li
1st Form : Fuk Foo

White Sash
2nd Form : Gong Gee
Level 1 Weapon : Lung Fu San ( Umbrella )

Yellow Sash
3rd Form: Gow Dook
Level 2 Weapon: Staff form 1 Mui Fa Tui

Green Sash
4th Form : Fu Hok
Level 3 Weapon : Staff form 2 Suen Tao Gwan ( Double headed staff )

Red Sash
Advanced :
5th Form : Um Ying Kuen

Level 4 Weapon: Mui Fa Ying Cheung (Spear Form)
Assistant Instructor Level

Blue Sash

Constant attention to the development of the following foundations will occur through out the curriculum.


Adult curriculum 2

  • Horse stance (Sei Ping Ma)
  • Open Bow (Jeet Ng Ma)
  • Cat Stance (Dui Ma)
  • Pigeon Toe (Keem Yeung Gurk)
  • Hand Forms
  • ( Bridges ) Foo Jao / Back fists/Animal Forms/ Knife hands Blocks

Use of knees / Stomps / Evasion / Turns / Side steps

The levels of development are listed below with their significant grading forms. This list does not include the hand and leg techniques and their applications specific for each level.

Training Techniques used throughout curriculum:

Regular Classes

Advanced Classes
Stance Practise: Bar Bell Fore
Arm Rolls Finger push ups
Hand strength – Bean Bags Hand Joints
Fore arm conditioning – 3 star pattern Hand/ Palm
Arm strengthening – Hand trap/ fore arm push Chin Na
Technique practice Partner combo
Bamboo Hoop

 Main Emphasis of classes:

Adult curriculum 3

Regular Classes

Basic self defence
Life style and Well being
Improved circulation
Core body strength
Leg and arm strength
Kung Fu Family concept

Advanced Classes

Advanced self defence
Conditioning of Body
Competition / Representative opportunities
Chin Na
Self Discovery
Chi / Energy Flow / Vocalisation

For more information call Sifu Jim Wilkinson 0448 865 124